SSR 2023
- SSR_1.1.1 Effective Implementation of curriculum
- SSR_1.1.1 Effective Implementation of curriculum_compressed
- SSR_1.2.1 Courses completion record_Results
- SSR_1.2.1 List of students participating in Skill courses
- SSR_1.2.1 Notices and broucures for Skill courses
- SSR_1.2.1 Results_compressed
- SSR_1.2.1 Notices for students_compressed
- 1.2.1 COC List of students and the attendance sheet-merged-compressed_compressed
- SSR_1.3.1 Programs on cross cutting issues
- SSR_1.3.2_Project work undertaken by students
- SSR 1.4 Feedback documents with index
- SSR 1.4 Feedback meeting, analysis and action taken report
- SSR_1.4 Action taken report
- SSR_1.4.1 Feedback distribution
- SSR_1.4.1 Representative feedback forms 2017-22_compressed
- SSR_2.1.1 Admission Report signed by Principal
- SSR_2.1.1 Reservation policy letters
- SSR_2.1.1 University Affiliation Scan
- SSR_2.3.1 Student centric methods uncompressed
- SSR_2.4.1 Posts sanctioned letter
- SSR_2.4.2.1 Yearwise list of teachers with Ph.D. NET SET
- SSR_2.4.2_Certificate of Ph.D.
- SSR_2.5.1 Brief report on Evaluation process reforms
- SSR_2.5.1 representative Evaluation process reforms
- SSR_2.6.1 Program Outcomes, Course outcomes
- SSR_2.6.1 All Departments Cos,Pos and PSOs
- SSR_2.6.2 Attainment of COs POs
- SSR_2.6.2 Complete Attainment of COs POs
- SSR_2.6.2 Target Attainment 2017 to 22
- SSR_2.6.3 Attested Annual Result Percentage
- SSR_2.6.3 Attested result percentage
- SSR_3.2.2 Maratha Itihas Vyakhyanmala 29-02-2020
- SSR_3.2.2 Modi lipi Workshop 11-09-2017
- SSR_3.2.2 Recent Trends in Mat. Res. 31-01-2018
- SSR_3.2.2 Workshop on Lokshahi 01-10-2019
- SSR_3.2.2 Geography Webinar 07-01-2021
- SSR_3.2.2 Geography Workshop 14-08-2018
- SSR_3.2.2 Webinar 29-08-2020-21
- SSR_3.2.2 Marathi Syllabus 15-03-2021
- SSR_3.2.2 Role of Biotechnology 27-07-2021
- SSR_3.2.2 Commerce education and... 21.01.2020
- SSR_3.2.2 Education and Research 03.01.2018
- SSR_3.2.2 GST 23.01.2018
- SSR_3.2.2 Learning and Teaching Skills 01.02.2019
- SSR_3.2.2 Learning and Teaching Skills 12.01..2019
- SSR_3.2.2 Report on IFAS Webinar 02.05.2022
- SSR_3.2.2 Use of ICT 07.02.2020
- SSR_3.2.2 Advanced Agricultural Techniques 03.7.2021
- SSR_3.2.2 Beliefs superstitions and SF 19-03-2022
- SSR_3.2.2 Career Guidance and Personality Dev. 28-03-2022
- SSR_3.2.2 Communication with self 30.12.2021
- SSR_3.2.2 Health and Hygine at Home 14.07.2021
- SSR_3.2.2 Impressive presentation of drama 30.11.2021
- SSR_3.2.2 Lets come back to nature 03.08.2021
- SSR_3.2.2 Opportunities in nanoscience 28-02-2022
- SSR_3.2.2 Interview techniques
- SSR_3.2.2 Law Literacy 10-11-2021
- SSR_3.2.2 Marathi Vyakhyanmala
- SSR_3.2.2 Webinar on Scope in Math 09-09-2021
- SSR_3.2.2 Workshop Revized syllabus Zoology on 10-03-2021
- SSR_3.2.2 Health and Hygine Invitation 14-07-2021
- SSR_3.2.2 International Chemistry Conference IEEE
- SSR_3.2.2 Workshop entitled Law Literacy 23-10-2021
- SSR_3.2.2 Workshop on media and ug syllabus
- SSR_Workshop on Law Literacy 23-10-2021
- SSR_3.2.2 Workshop on Commere Education_0001
- SSR_3.2.2 Workshop on Covid-19 Consurism_0001
- SSR_3.2.2 Workshop on E-Commerce and E-Banking
- SSR_3.2.2 Workshop on Financial Littracy_0001
- SSR_3.2.2 Workshop on Florel Arragement_0001
- SSR_3.2.2 Workshop on Insurance and Investment Mantra_0001
- SSR_3.2.2 Workshop on Share Market 03 to 06-01-2019_0001
- SSR_3.2.2 Workshop on Share Market Mission 12-02-2018_0001
- SSR_3.2.2 Workshop Snake Poster Preparation
- SSR_3.2.2 Workshop on Bonsai Preparation_0001
- SSR_3.2.2 Workshop on Disastar Management 13-10-2018
- SSR 3.2.2 Workshop on In Search of Maharaja Sayajirao Gaikwad
- SSR_3.2.2 National Conf on Role of Libraries 09-02-2018
- SSR_3.2.2 Online Webinar on Professional Skill Developement_0001
- SSR_3.2.2 Professional Skill and Moral Capablities
- SSR_3.2.2 Workshop on Consumarism and Financial Lit.
- SSR_3.2.2 Workshop on opportunities after graduation in abroad
- SSR_3.2.2 Workshop on engineering application acoustics
- SSR_3.4.1 Outcomes of Extension activities.
- SSR_3.4.2 _SSR_awards for extension
- SSR_3.4.3 Extension and outreach program
- SSR_3.5.1 SSR Scanned copies of MoU.pdf
- 3.5.1 Modern School of Computer, Kolhapur
- 3.5.1 PDVP College
- 3.5.1 Yashwant Ayurvedic Post Graduate Training and Research Center
- 3.5.1 Department of Geography Kankavli College
- 3.5.1 Department of Hindi Radhanagari Mahavidyalaya Radhanagari
- 3.5.1 Devan Housing Finance Corporation Ltd.
- 3.5.1 K.R.P. Kanya Mahavidyalaya.
- 3.5.1 Lions Club Kolhapur
- 3.5.1 Maruti Charitable Trust Kekhale 2022
- 3.5.1 Shree Warana Co-operative Milk and Milk Products Sangh
- 3.5.1 Arts Commerce and Science College Porle
- 3.5.1 Krida Maharshi Meghnath Nageshkar College of Physical Education
- 3.5.1 Maruti Charitable Trust 2017
- 3.5.1 MITSC
- 3.5.1 Shree Warana Bhagini Mandal _Food Processing Unit
- 3.5.1 Tatyasaheb Kore College of Pharmacy
- 3.5.1 Vishwasrao Naik Arts, Commerce and Baba Naik Science Mahavidyalaya
- SSR_3.5.1 Department of Botany, Shripatrao Chougule Arts and Science College, Kotoli
- SSR_3.5.1 Department of Library Science Shripatrao Chougule Arts and Science College
- SSR_3.5.1 Department of Zoology Shripatrao Chougule Arts and Science College
- SSR_3.5.1 Dept. of Physics TKIET
- SSR_3.5.1 Shivaji Patil Sainik English Medium School
- SSR_3.5.1 Shrimati Shobatai Kore Mahila Mahavidyalaya, Yelur
- SSR_3.5.1 The New College Kolhapur Linkage.
- SSR_4.1.1 Infrastructure Geotagged Photos
- SSR_4.1.2 Audited Financial statements
- SSR_4.1.2 Expdtr on augmentation
- SSR_4.2.1 Library facilities photos
- SSR_4.2.1 Library support documents
- SSR_4.3.1 ICT Infrastructure Geotagged Photos
- SSR_4.3.2 Computer purchase bills
- SSR_4.3.2 Deadstock register showing entry of Computers
- SSR_4.3.2 Details of the ICT facilities
- SSR_4.4.1 Expdtr on maintainance
- SSR_5.1.1 List of students benefited by freeships and scholarships
- 2017-18 Govt scholarships
- 2018-19 Govt scholarships
- SSR_5.1.1 Policy Document of Institute regarding freeships and scholarships
- 2019-20 Govt scholarships
- 2020-21 Govt scholarships
- SSR_5.1.1 Complete details regarding Scholarships and freeships.xlsx
- SSR_5.1.1 Govt Scholarships_representative years
- SSR_5.1.1-Govt-Scholarships_representative-years
- 2021-22 Govt scholarships
- SSR_5.1.2 Report with photographs on ICT
- SSR_5.1.2 Report with photographs on Soft skills doc_Selected
- SSR_5.1.2 Soft skills doc_compressed
- SSR_5.1.2 ICT documents
- SSR_5.1.2 Soft skills doc_Selected
- SSR_5.1.3 Guidance for Competitive exam and Career counselling
- SSR_5.1.3 Selected Guidance for Competitive exam and Career counselling
- SSR_5.1.3 Students benefited by Guidance for Competitive exam and Career counselling
- SSR_5.1.4 Annual reports of Antiragging committee
- SSR_5.1.4 Awareness programs against ragging
- SSR_5.1.4 Committee Meeting minutes
- SSR_5.1.4 Details of statutory committees
- SSR_5.1.4 Mechanism for grievance reporting
- SSR_5.1.4 Antiraging Committee reports_compressed
- SSR_5.1.4 Machanism for grievance reporting
- SSR_5.1.4 Meeting minutes compressed
- SSR_5.2.1 List of student Placements
- SSR_5.2.1 List of students progression to HE
- SSR_5.2.2 NET SET Competitive exam support doc_compressed
- SSR_5.3.1 Sports Award Certificates selected_compressed
- SSR_5.3.1_Participation in Sports compressed
- SSR_5.3.1_Sports Award Certificates Complete_compressed
- SSR_5.4. Alumni engagement Report
- SSR_5.4.1 Complete Report of alumni engagement
- SSR_6.1.1 Institutional governance and leadership_compressed
- SSR_6.1.1 Report on_Institutional governance and leadership
- SSR_6.1.1 Brief report_Institutional governance and leadership
- SSR_6.1.1 Welfare schemes for faculty_compressed
- SSR_6.2.1.1 Statergy development and deployment
- SSR_6.2.1.2 Deployment of Perspective Plan
- SSR_6.2.2.1 Screen Shots E-Gov.
- SSR_6.2.2.2 Institutional Expenditure of E-gov.
- SSR_6.2.2.3 Annual Reports of E -Governance U3
- SSR_6.3.1 Faculty Empowerment Strategies
- SSR_6.3.1 Welfare schemes for faculty_compressed
- SSR_6.3.2 Audited statement showing research support
- SSR_6.3.2 Copy of letters showing financial ssistance for research
- SSR_6.3.2 Policy for providing Research support
- SSR_6.3.2 Research Support Document
- SSR_6.3.3 Certificate of participation in Faculty Development Programs
- SSR_6.3.3 Participation in Faculty development programs
- SSR_6.4 Institutional statergies for mobilation fund
- SSR_6.5.1 IQAC Planning and contribution
- SSR_6.5.2 Collaborative Quality Initiatives
- SSR_6.5.2 AISHE, NIRF and AAA certificate 2017 to 2021
- SSR_6.5.2 Certificate of Academic and Administrative Audit
- SSR_6.5.2 Initiatives taken after NIRF AISHE and AAA
- SSR_7.1.1.Gender sensitization activities
- SSR_7.1.2 Circulars and reports on implementation
- SSR_7.1.2 Geotagged photos of facilities on campus
- SSR_7.1.2 Policy document on Green campus
- SSR_7.1.2 Ulternate energy sources
- SSR_7.1.2.1 Bills for fire and safty and solar
- SSR_7.1.3 Certificates and reports on energy and Fire audit_compressed
- SSR_7.1.3 Environmental Promotional Activities beyond the campus
- SSR_7.1.3 Green Audit Certificate and Report
- SSR_7.1.3 Green Initiatives beyond the campus
- SSR_7.1.3 Other details Fire Audit report and Reed Bed Plant
- SSR_7.1.4 Enviroment and social Harmony
- SSR_7.2.1 Best practices_Janata Darbar_Mallakhamb
- SSR_7.3.1 VKCA Institutional distinctiveness
- Organogram