Gallery NSS Camp 2023-24 Cleanliness and Awareness rally by NCC Glimpses of PEER TEAM VISIT Lead College Programme Commerce 12-03-2024 Lead College Programme Hindi 29-02-2024 Junior Malbart Gold Scholarship 25-02-2024 Junior NEP School Connect 29-01-2024 Workshop on Preparation for PTV Interaction with ISRO Scientist Interaction with deligates from France Yuva Kalavishkar 13-01-2024 Workshop on Bird Watching Sharing of knowledge and infrastructure poster presentation in Avishkar Contribution as resource person Celebration of Wetland Day by Dept of Botany Botanical garden as knowledge hub Yashwantrao Chavan Jayanti 12-03-2024 Shivjayanti 19-02-2024 Jambhekar Jayanti 20-02-2024 Sevalal Jayanti 15-02-2024 Career Katta Puraskar 26/01/2024 Commerce Dr. Rohit Basnaik Ph.D. Award 07/12/2023 Mathematics Dr. S.N. Golgire Ph.D. Award 06/06/2023 राज्यस्तरीय कर्तृत्ववान शिक्षक पुरस्कार 05-09-2023 College Avishkar Research Festival Food Festival 12-01-2024 महाराजा सयाजीराव गायकवाड पुण्यतिथी 09-02-2024 College Activities Media Events रस्ते सुरक्षा अभियान 2021 Sports College Campus खादी ग्रामोद्योग प्रदर्शन आणि विक्री वारणेच्या आईसाहेब स्व. शोभाताई कोरे यांच्या जयंती निमित्त Suvarna Mahotsav ICT Facility Varkari Others