Distance Education
A large fraction of students are deprived from higher education in the country. This may be outcome of students’ weak economical background which makes them to join the job instead of joining higher education. To bring these students into the higher education IGNOU have started Distance Education. The funding is made available through IGNOU. Out of 207 colleges affiliated to Shivaji University, Kolhapur. Only 15 colleges have been allowed to establish “centre for Distance Education”. Ours is one of such centre with following features.
1. To accommodate students who are deprived from Higher Education into the current education stream.
2. Students are permitted to choose their liking subjects and are admitted as external students.
3. Students are provided with self Improvement Material. (SIM)
4. Lectures are arranged to solve the problems related with syllabi.
5. Library facility is made available to these students.
6. Students are well informed about the changes made in the syllabi time to time.
It is our pride to say that in the academic year 2009-10. Following is the enrollment for different classes.