
Dr. M. G. Shinde
Our College is established in 1964. UGC(2F) in 1967. Permanent affiliation in 2002 and NAAC Re-accreditation in 8th January 2011 as ‘B’. A college library is expected to be an instrument of instruction and it should support the objectives of the college. Naturally it’s basic function is to serve adequetly the needs and requirement of the students and teachers towards study, reading and research. In other words, college library must become a part and parcet of the teaching and learning process.
The library is an asset therefore it must be well equipped with books, periodicals, journals and various and nicely designed building with a built up area 677.48 sq. meters.
Total Expenditure incurred on library Building is
Rs.1325310 /- ( Rs. Thirteen Lack twenty five thousand three hundred ten only )
Reference Section of Our College Library
Our Library has rich Reference Section and wide range of collection on various subjects. These are Encyclopedias Dictionaries Biographical Geographical and other references :
1. Encyclopedias 528
2. Dictionaries 128
3. Other references 547
4. Books of General knowledge 332
Total 1535
Working hours
1. Reading Room: 8:00 am to 6:00pm
(During Examination period, extended up to 12 midnight)
2. Periodical section 8:30 am to 5:00pm
3. All other sections 8:00 am to 5 pm
Future Plan
1. Book Exhibition
2.Development of e-Books collection
3.Networking of other colleges & university Library
4. Development of e-Institutional Repository
5.Orgonize National / International Conference, Seminars & workshops etc.
The special features of Library Building as under
The special features of library building as under
1. Entrance 2. Librarian’s cabin
3. Reference section 4. Periodical section
5. Circulation section 6. Reading section for staff
7. Internet Facility 8. General reading hall
9. OPAC System 10. Main Stack Section
11. Processing Unit 12. Reprography Unit
13. Ladies Reading Room
14. Other Facilities According to Library Rules.
Best Practices Performed by College Library
1. In House developed library software with OPAC for book search
2. Library timing 8 am to 5 pm Exam. period up to 12 pm
3. Book Bank scheme for final year students
4.Special Book facility for competitive Examination Guidance center
5. Facility of news paper clipping
6. Internet facility
7. Provision of Departmental Libraries for faculty
8. Readers Group/ Discussion forum
9. Regular book exhibitions
10. Audio video facility
11. External students/visitors Library facility
12. Inter-Library loan facility
The Present Library Collection
The details of total library collection as on 31 march 2016 are :
1. Books 49934
Bound volumes of journals
3. Donated books 1317
4. Current periodicals 38
5. Newspapers 13
6. Thesis and dissertations 42
7. Special Reference Tools 1535
Special Features
- INFLIBNET service
- Regular User Orientation
- Cur
- Reference service
- rent Awareness service
- Selective Dissemination service
- Question Paper Achieves Service
- New Display Service / New Arrivals
- Circulation Service
- Book Bank Service
- Inter Library Loan Service
- Study Room / Reading Room Facility
- Newspaper Clipping service
- Open Access Facility
- Internet Facility
- Photocopy / Reprography Service
- Suggestion Box
The Library Services
The Circulation of books of our Library has borrow card system The Library as Computerized with OPAC ( Online Public Access Catalogue ) with barcode system for issuing books we have adopted the open access system for college staff. While closed access system for students , Library maintains a meticulous record of issuing of books A complete cataloguing on AACR- II and Classification of books is done on the basis of DDC. The timing of issuing the books is 8.30 am to 4.30 pm.
E-Information Resources: E-Journals, (N-LIST CONSORTIA)
Library subscribes N-LIST- electronic resource package offered to the colleges by INFLIBNET. It consist of E-Journals and e-books which can be accessed by the user community of the college. Through N-LIST platform, users can get access to more than 9700+ e-books and 6000 + e-journals.
Electrons Resources can be assessed through-
Library Staff
Sr. No. | Name | Designation | Qualification | Contact |
1 | Dr. M. G. Shinde | Librarian & HOD | M. A., M. Phil., M. Lib., Ph. D. | 8805783655 |
2 | Dr. S. B. Jadhav | Assistant Librarian | M. A., B. Ed., M. Lib., Ph. D. | 9860874050 |