Commerce Depatment

Mr. B. V. Valgadde
About Us
The Department of Commerce offers B.Com. Course with specialization subject Advanced Accountancy which is affiliated to Shivaji University Kolhapur. The department of Commerce has been a major section of Yashwantrao Chavan Warana Mahavidyalaya Warananagar. It was started in the very first year, which is 1964. The Department is constantly striving for excellence by instilling the academic innovation, social and ethical values into the students to meet the current demands of dynamic entrepreneurial, academic and corporate world. Apart from classroom teaching, there is an ongoing effort to improve students' learning and connect them to the business world.
Eminent personalitiesfrom business and academia are regularly invited to seminars and lectures on a regular basis. To facilitate face-to-face industry interactions, industrial visits are organized for students. Right from the beginning highly qualified experienced and reputed teachers are associated with the department.