
English Department

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Best Practices

Aim :
To enable the Students’ to acquire English Language.

Objectives :

  • To enrich the students’ Communication Skills in English.
  • To create ability of spoken English amongst the students.
The department of English has established English Language and Literary Association in the department since 2017-18 .The English Literary and Language Association of Yashwantrao Chavan Warana Mahavidyalaya, Warananagar is based upon the spirit of developing and cultivating the best of the under-developed talents, to polish and refine them so that their personalities sparkle among the rest of human beings and they stand apart in the sea of crowds once they step out of the course from this institution. It is not to be imagined that students will drift into mental excellence without an effort. Deliberately the task must be chosen pursued and persistently must it be followed. There are many minds that are brilliant but in the face of lack of suitable opportunities and platform they get lost in oblivion. The English literary Association offers a platform for such undermined brilliant minds who require a proper space to vent out the energetic literary spirits.
The main aim of ELLA is to enrich the students’ English communication skills. Students are encouraged to participate in various events that are organised throughout the academic year. We conduct various competitions such as Essay Writing, Handwriting, Elocution, Group discussion, Literary Quiz etc. Interclass competitions are being conducted by our department in which the students participate and test themselves. It is a platform on which the students get opportunities to show their linguistic and literary abilities and update themselves .Most of the students write for Warana annual magazine those who participated on the platform indeed it is the best practice of department of English where the students of English learning are being benefited for many years right from the establishment of the ELLA.
Often movies are screened for the students to motivate their spirits and to enhance their knowledge about literary world.

Practices :
  • Essay Writing
  • Handwriting
  • Elocution
  • Group discussion
  • Literary Quiz
  • Guest Lectures
  • Word Antakshri
  • Poetry recitation
  • Debate
Outcome :
In today’s world of competition it is very essential to read write and speak in English language after participating in these practices students develop their reading, speaking and writing skills. They develop the confidence regarding English Language and the Students wrote articles and poems in college magazine.