Botany Department
Best Practices
Title:- Today’s Plant Activity
- To make the students familiar about local flora (Plants).
- To provide them plant identification skills.
- To make them aware about biodiversity.
- To make them familiar with uses of the plants.
- To inculcate the value of respect for the Nature.
Plants are the only producers on earth that captures solar energy and convert it in to organic products. Plants are the main source of food, fodder, fuel, furniture, fiber, medicine etc. Every student should be familiar with the identity, source and significance of the plants. Today’s plant activity is conducted by department to create awareness regarding plants.
The students of B. Sc. III collect a local plant every day and display it in front of department of Botany with its botanical information. Students identify plants using flora and e-sources, gets it confirmed with the help of teacher. The display board shows botanical name, common name, family, peculiar characters, and uses of the plant. The data is also recorded in a notebook regularly.
- This activity improved interest as well as knowledge about the plants among the students.
- The students get acquainted with the local plant biodiversity and indigenous knowledge of medicinal plants.
- The activity encouraged students to take on research on various aspects of plants.
Number of Participants – Average 15 students displays information (per year)
Number of beneficiaries – 250+ students per year